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  • The Burj Khalifa, previously known as the Burj Dubai is the tallest building in the world, and seems to stand out like a beacon embodying the very spirit of Dubai itself. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2010

  • The Burj Khalifa, previously known as the Burj Dubai is the tallest building in the world, and seems to stand out like a beacon embodying the very spirit of Dubai itself. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2010

  • It was called the Burj Dubai, but now, of course, in a spectacular opening ceremony, which lit up the night sky, some say it is the defining symbol of Dubai's thirst for excess.

    CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2010 2010

  • Thousands of people crowded around the Burj Dubai, which is now renamed the Burj Khalifa, as you told the audience, to witness the opening, the inauguration by the ruler of Dubai, and this spectacular fireworks display that happened.

    CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2010 2010

  • Back when it was still called the Burj Dubai, Kristie Lu Stout got the virtual ball rolling by placing the skyscraper in Hong Kong.

    CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2010 2010

  • Opened in January, the 828-meter tower, which stands at the heart of Emaar's $20 billion flagship Downtown development, had been known as Burj Dubai during construction, but Dubai's ruler Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum surprised spectators by renaming it after his counterpart in Abu Dhabi at a lavish opening ceremony in the emirate.

    Leak at Dubai Mall Aquarium Forces Evacuation Stefania Bianchi 2010

  • That city has staked its future on large developments, including the world's tallest tower, the Burj Dubai, which is supposed to be finished in 2008, and a hotel and apartment tower by Donald Trump.

    Dubai Firm Wins Barneys Bidding War 2007

  • The Burj Dubai will be the centerpiece of a new development downtown.

    CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2006 2006

  • This is a recording of the FULL Opening Ceremony and inauguration of Burj Khalifa (formerly known as Burj Dubai), in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. - Articles related to Norway aims to boost trade ties with UAE 2010

  • This is a recording of the FULL Opening Ceremony and inauguration of Burj Khalifa (formerly known as Burj Dubai), in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. - Articles related to Norway aims to boost trade ties with UAE 2010


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